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Petr Soural, Astrology
My chart:
Petr Soural, Placidus houses Petr Soural, Whole Sign houses
my name is Petr Soural (user profile: Petr9, born *May 9, 1983).
I'm an enthusiastic astrology nerd, programmer, graduated architect and Lunatic photographer from Prague Czech Republic Czech Republic, Europe.

I founded, created and maintain this Astro-Seek website.

  • If you have any question about this site, please read the FAQ first. You might find the answer here.
  • If you didn't find your answer in FAQ, you can email me at info@astro-seek.com
  • If you want to report a technical error, please send me a screenshot and URL address of the glitch.

I would like to thank the following friends and astrology enthusiasts who helped make it possible for this website to be translated into other worldwide languages 🙏:
Arianna Acquaviva, Karen Tara Astrology Astro-Seek
Arianna Acquaviva is an enthusiastic astrologer and translator from Italy.

She translated this website into:
ItalianoItalian language (2018) and
Español(European) Spanish language (2020)

You can contact Arianna on:
Yana Yanovich Astrology Astro-Seek
Yana Yanovich is an astrologer, blogger and English teacher from Russia.

She translated this website into:
РусскийRussian language (2019).

You can contact Yana on:
Ángeles López Astrology Astro-Seek
Ángeles López is a traditional and modern astrologer from Mexico.

She helped with European/American Spanish corrections and translated:
EspañolTraditional astrology section (2020)

You can contact Ángeles on:
Gizem Beder Astrology Astro-Seek
Gizem Beder is a Vedic astrologer from Turkey.

She brought together a small group of Turkish astrologers, who translated this website into:
TurkishTurkish language (2021)

You can contact all these astrologers on their profiles:
Christina Rohde Astrology Astro-Seek
Christina Rohde is an astrology enthusiast from Germany.

She translated this website into:
GermanGerman language (2022)

You can contact Christina on:
Sarah Park Astrology Astro-Seek
Sarah Park is a Traditional astrologer from Korea.

She translated this website into:
KoreanKorean language (2024)

with the help of following Korean astrologers:
Carolina Lopez Adur Astrology Astro-Seek
Carolina Lopez Adur is an enthusiastic astrologer from Argentina.

She translated this website into:
PortuguesePortuguese language (2024)

You can contact Carolina on:
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